Amaya's Old-Fashioned Daddy Page 2
“Please!” she gasped as her tight muscles clenched around the thermometer, her back arching up to thrust her breasts into Nurse Rose’s hands. The Doctor pumped the slick glass back and forth in her tight passage, teasing nerve endings that had been entirely untouched until now.
“Please what?” he asked, twisting the slim tube, adding an entirely new set of sensations to the barrage.
Amaya whimpered, embarrassed beyond belief that she was so aroused while there was something up her behind, humiliated that she would have to request what she wanted - on Vericat, they did not talk about such things even during sex - but too needy not to give in. She’d never been so aroused in her entire life.
“Please…” she whispered, forcing the words out. The needs of her body were overpowering her upbringing. There was a force building inside of her that couldn’t be denied, more powerful than she’d ever experienced before… although, she’d never been denied her orgasm for this long before. Vericatans didn’t tease or make their partner wait for pleasure. It was frustrating and exciting all rolled into one. “I need… please… I need more. I need to climax.”
“Good girl,” Nurse Rose murmured, smiling at the Doctor as he reached for Amaya’s pussy.
Two fingers were thrust in roughly, his thumb pressing against her clit. Amaya gasped and quivered as she was impaled in both holes. It was such a full sensation, despite the slimness of the thermometer and the fact that her pussy had accommodate much larger invaders. Her clit throbbed as the Doctor expertly circled it and she cried out as she came, thrashing against her bonds.
“Very responsive,” the Doctor said, smiling. A few twists of his fingers and Amaya was riding another wave of orgasm. She was completely uninhibited, sensual and demanding, yet with that touch of innocence that could only come from also being sexually sheltered. It was an intriguing and exciting combination. “Your Daddy is a very lucky man.”
His words sent Amaya careening on another wave of ecstasy, leaving her sobbing and limp by the time he finally withdrew his fingers and the thermometer. She barely noticed as he checked her temperature and pronounced it normal. The thrumming afterglow of pleasure had practically undone her. Not once, not ever, in her entire life, had she experienced pleasure like that. Her orgasms had never been that strong, she’d never felt the need to beg, and she’d never felt so limply satisfied afterwards.
A few seconds later she felt a small prick at the side of her neck. A cooling sensation spread through her body, making her feel numb as her eyelashes fluttered. She tried to ask what was happening, but she was sucked into unconsciousness before the words could form.
The Doctor smiled as Amaya’s eyes shut, her deep, even breathing indicating that she had responded to the sedative perfectly.
“Won’t she be surprised when she wakes up,” he said, chuckling. “We’re going to give her a tighter pussy and reconstruct her hymen, take care of her gag reflex, and remove all her body hair. She’ll be a delightful little girl.”
Chapter 2
Going on a walk-through of the recently updated nursery, Grant Stine smiled in satisfaction. The room had gone unused since he’d moved in and, now that he had a little girl on the way, it had gone through a quick and thorough cleaning and redecoration. The walls were a warm cream color, setting off the pink oversized crib and diaper changing-table. The furniture was all a pleasing dark rose color, which Grant had chosen specifically because the hue reminded him of a woman’s spanked bottom.
The wardrobe was already full of darling little outfits for his little girl, made her to measurements, the bookshelf had been filled with all sorts of reading books, coloring books and toys, and there was a stuffed bear with chocolate-colored fur waiting on the embroidered cover of the canopied little girl’s bed. While he anticipated that his little girl would spend most of her nights in his bed, she would still nap in here. Perhaps even fall asleep here so that he could come in the night and steal her away to his own bed, rather than leaving her in his room until he was ready. A few feet away from the bed was a gorgeous, two-story dollhouse, completely equipped with all the furniture, decorations, tiny place settings and tiny plastic food that a little girl could want.
Striding over to the most important feature in the room, a walnut cabinet hanging on the wall, Grant opened it to inspect the contents for the sixth time since it had been installed. This was where Amaya’s bedroom paddle, a small leather strap and a small cat-o-nine tails whip and a variety of little plugs, clamps, oils and creams were stored. Although formal punishments would take place in his study, he wanted her Nanny to have plenty of implements on hand - even beyond the sturdy, flat-backed brush resting on the nearby dresser - if a quick taste of discipline was needed.
After having watched the vids which the prison ship had streamed to him, he didn’t doubt it would be on occasion.
He’d been obsessively watching the vids, when he wasn’t checking and re-checking everything in the nursery. When Carolina had sent him a message about Amaya, he’d been intrigued. Once he’d seen the vids of her on the ship and read through her file, he’d known that she was his little girl. She was everything he’d imagined and more. So much spirit, so much mischief, and yet an obvious desire for discipline. For attention. There was no doubt that she wanted to be here, although he doubted she knew exactly what she was getting into.
“Owwwww…” Amaya moaned as she came to. Pain… not bad, not throbbing, more like a sunburn, but in a bad, bad area. She shifted on the bed, rubbing her eyes to wipe away the sleep as she looked down her body. Someone had put her on the bed, completely naked, on top of the covers, so there was nothing to obscure the view of her dark pink mound. Her completely bare dark pink mound.
She gasped, reaching down to touch it and immediately flinched. “Ow!”
The pink skin was incredibly sensitive. Immediately she knew what had happened. She’d had the procedure done on her armpits and leg hair a long time ago, but had decided not to go for her pubic hair because of how sensitive her skin had been afterwards. It was guaranteed not to grow back, but she just hadn’t been able to bring herself to go for it. Looked like that choice had been taken out of her hand.
Scowling down at her body, the expression cleared after a moment and she shrugged. Sure, she wished she’d been consulted, but she probably shouldn’t be too surprised. After all, she was supposed to be a grown-up little girl right? So no pubic hair. At least this way she wouldn’t have to shave or wax ever again. It was kind of a relief that it was gone.
No longer interested in her body, Amaya looked around the room she was in and blinked. It definitely wasn’t her room, because she was alone in it. The room wasn’t very large and she was obviously still on the transport shuttle, but it was the first time she’d woken up alone in a long time. That in and of itself was a treat, but that wasn’t the best part. Hanging on the edge of her bed was a gorgeous, flouncy pink dress edged with lace. The skirt was puffy and the hem and short sleeves were ruffled with layers of lace; the neckline was high and definitely wouldn’t show much cleavage, if any was visible at all. Some inner part of her squealed in delight. It was the kind of frivolously decadent dress she’d always wanted as a little girl but that her parents would have never gotten her. They didn’t approve of outfits with needless decoration - no flounces, ruffles or lace for her.
The painfully sensitive skin on her mound forgotten, Amaya jumped up and grabbed the dress with greedy hands, holding it up to her body. It would hit her mid-thigh and had a big bow which tied in the back that made her melt when she saw it. She actually blinked back a few tears as she looked the garment over.
Quickly unzipping it, she pulled it on, tying the bow in the back. It fit perfectly. Amazed, Amaya looked down at it, brushing her hands over her the puffy skirt. Sure her legs were bare and she had no undergarments, but she felt like she was finally getting the moment she’d always wanted as a little girl - it felt like she was wearing a princess dress. Looking around
the room, she wished there were a mirror so that she could see herself.
Just then the door opened, making her jump. Warden Kase was standing there, a woman standing behind him, but Amaya couldn’t really see her because Warden Kase was so big. His eyebrows went up as he got a look at Amaya in her dress.
“You’re up already,” he said coming into the room. “We thought you’d still be asleep.”
The woman followed him in. She was almost as tall as Warden Kase, probably in her forties, and quite stern looking. Amaya had never seen anyone dressed like her before. The dress she was wearing went from her neck to her ankles and wrists; it was a plain grey, although the fabric was obviously of good quality, and cinched in at her waist where a crisp, white apron was tied. Her mahogany brown hair was pulled up into a severe knot on the back of her head and was covered with a kind of lacy cap.
“Hello Amaya,” she said. “My name is Nanny Jane and I’ll be assisting you with your transition from the ship to your new home.”
“My new home?” Amaya asked, a shiver of excitement going through her. “I already have a new home?” The information the inmates had been given had indicated that while some girls got a Daddy right away, others went to the “orphanage” to await being picked.
Completely unimpressed by Amaya’s excitement, Nanny Jane looked down her nose at her. “Yes, you are a very lucky little girl. Your Daddy has provided you with your new dress as well as myself to oversee you until you arrive on planet, where he will be there to greet you with your permanent Nanny.”
Thrilled at this news - not to mention discovering that Nanny Jane was not going to be her permanent nanny - Amaya danced around in a happy circle. Warden Kase chuckled, but Nanny Jane just looked even more severe at the outburst. However, she’d been given explicit instructions on how to deal with her new charge and she knew that Grant Stine preferred Amaya be able to express herself fully, which meant that her behavior would not be corrected until she was under his control.
However, there was one matter that needed attending to immediately.
“Amaya,” Nanny Jane said, getting the girl’s attention and stopping her dance. “We have some rules to go over. The first of which is that you should not have dressed yourself.”
“What?” Amaya blinked in surprise. “But why not?”
“Because you are a little girl, and little girls are to be taken care of. Once we reach Hebe, your Daddy will take care of you in every aspect. You will be fed, bathed and clothed and he will be in charge of your daily schedule as well as your body. Because you didn’t know, your punishment will be halved, but you must never dress yourself again.”
Amaya’s mouth dropped open. “Punishment?!”
She didn’t like the sound of that. Although she did kind of like the sound of being pampered… but it seemed like it was more than pampering. After all, she was perfectly capable of getting dressed by herself. Her parents certainly hadn’t assisted her after the age of five or so, they always expected her to be able to do it herself. Not that they wouldn’t have helped if she’d asked, but they’d just been so busy that once they deemed her old enough to be marginally independent, they’d pretty much forgotten about that kind of thing. Amaya wanted to have fun and be a little girl, but this sounded awfully controlling.
“Yes, punishment,” Nanny Jane said, gliding over to the bed and seating herself on it. She patted the top of her thigh as Warden Kase leaned against the doorway - Amaya’s only possible escape route - and watched with amusement in his eyes. Getting to watch scenes like this was one of the perks of his job, and one which he thoroughly enjoyed, especially when the woman was as attractive as Amaya was. “Come and put yourself over my lap.”
“Over… over your lap?” Confusion reigned. Amaya drew back from the nanny automatically, even though she didn’t understand what was about to happen.
“Yes, over my lap and then I will spank you. Normally I would give you twenty for such an infraction, but, as I said, your punishment will be halved since you did not know, so it will only be ten.”
“Spanked?!” Amaya’s voice came out on a squeak as she instinctively covered her bottom. This time Nanny Jane almost cracked a smile. Amaya made quite a delightful little girl, and she now understood why Mr. Stine did not want her reactions to be tampered with. The ingenuousness of her response was quite darling, completely natural and quite child-like. She would make a marvelous little girl for him even without any type of regression therapy. “You can’t spank me! I didn’t know!” She stamped her foot, glaring. “It’s not fair!”
As adorable as she was with her lower lip pouting out, Nanny Jane’s gaze sharpened, pinning Amaya in place. “Which is why you are only getting half your punishment and I was planning on being quite lenient with the force used. If you do not come over here immediately, I will no longer feel the need to be lenient. And if I require Warden Kase’s assistance to put you over my knee, you will receive the full twenty, as hard as I can make them. You made a mistake and so you will be spanked to ensure that you do not repeat that mistake. Make no mistake, you will be spanked, but it is up to you “
It was blatantly unfair, but the gimlet look in Nanny Jane’s eyes assured Amaya that she meant every word of that speech. An imploring glance at Warden Kase was met with his usual bland expression, so there would be no help from that quarter. She didn’t even realize her lower lip was still pouting out as she looked down at the floor, her feet dragging slowly across it, resentment burning in her heart.
Although she supposed that it had been a possibility, it hadn’t really sunk in until now. She hadn’t even met her new Daddy yet! And she hadn’t meant to do something wrong, but no one had been here to tell her not to get dressed! It was their fault for not being there when she woke up.
But she knew she wasn’t getting out of this room without it happening, and if it was going to happen, she’d rather the lighter punishment. That didn’t mean she had to be happy about it.
Nanny Jane waited patiently, secretly amused by Amaya’s sulky expression and dragging feet. Mr. Stine was going to have quite a time with this little girl. Intelligent enough to realize that she could only make things worse for herself by resisting and realistic enough to accept that, yet honest enough not to hide her reactions.
“Very good, Amaya,” Nanny Jane said as Amaya stood next to her and hesitated. “Now over my lap.”
When Amaya continued to hesitate, Nanny Jane grabbed her hand and pulled the young lady over her thighs with expert ease. As one of the nannies permanently assigned to the ships, she was used to dealing with balky little ones during their first punishment. It was extremely rare that one managed to get through the transition from ship to planet without incurring at least one spanking, despite the fact that it only took about five hours in total to make the journey.
Amaya squealed in shock as she found herself upended over the other woman’s lap. She’d never, in her entire life, been in such an undignified position before. Well… that might not be entirely true. The examination done by the doctor and his nurse had also been… but… still! At least they hadn’t spanked her!
She squealed again when Nanny Jane lifted the poufy skirt, baring Amaya’s bottom completely.
“Let me go! Wait! Stop! OW!”
Howling, Amaya kicked her feet, trying to wriggle away from the nanny’s strong grip as soon as the first blow landed on her upturned tush. It didn’t just hurt, it stung!
“That’s one.”
“That’s two.”
“Damn you!”
SMACK! SMACK! Amaya howled as two swift, severe spanks landed on the backs of her thighs, even harder than the ones dealt to her bottom. Tears sprang into her eyes at how much the burning stung. Before those two, she thought that Nanny Jane had lied and was spanking her hard, but now she could feel the difference between the two burning, throbbing palm prints on the backs of her thighs and the ones on her butt cheeks. Nanny Jane really had be
en holding back.
“That’s three.”
“No! That’s five!” Amaya cried out, incensed, her legs beginning to kick again.
“The two to your thighs were for cursing me and don’t count towards the total.”
Two more, right on the exact same place as Nanny Jane had spanked her thighs before, and this time it made Amaya scream as her reddened skin burned.
“I didn’t curse you!”
“Little girls shouldn’t curse at all,” Nanny Jane said severely. “One more instance and it won’t just be a couple of slaps, I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.”
Amaya snapped her mouth shut so fast her teeth clanged together, horrified by the threat. At least this rule made sense. Her parents didn’t approve of cursing now, much less when she’d been a child, although she was already silently cursing in her mind. She’d picked up the habit because she knew how much it bothered her parents and it was going to be a hard one to break. Although, by the way the backs of her thighs were burning, she would definitely have a reminder of why she shouldn’t, for at least a few hours.
Nanny Jane counted out the swats as Amaya kicked and howled, and, finally, started to cry right around eight. It hurt so much! Her bottom felt like it was burning, even more on fire than the backs of her thighs now. When Nanny Jane finally finished spanking her, Amaya immediately tried to move away again, but the woman held her in place easily.
Two fingers dipped down into Amaya’s pussy, absolutely horrifying Amaya. It had been one thing when Nurse Rose had touched her breasts and nipples, to have a woman touching her down there was such a shock to her system, she froze. Which made it all the more clear to her that - even more shocking - she was wet! She’d gotten wet during the spanking!
It made no sense because she hadn’t felt turned on while it was happening, but there was no denying that her folds were slick with her cream. Nanny Jane made an approving noise as she moved her fingers around the Amaya’s pussy, spreading some of the moisture up to her clit and rubbing the little bud. Amaya let out a little cry, her hips bucking as the bundle of nerves sizzled to life.